Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Despite all the obstacles.... finally!!!!

Yesterday, around 9 am, I was supposed to sleep since I have work later that night. But I managed to travel 2 lrt's and one jeepney ride ( not to mention the very long walks I have just made ) just to reach one of the biggest malls in Metro Manila. What was my purpose of going there? It's because one of the record bar located inside sells SS501 Super Hits Deja Vu!!!! I know I am a bit late of buying this album. But it was only released here in the Philippines just now so it was my chance to grab a copy. When I reached AstroPlus, I asked for their album. The saleslady told me if I was looking for ___ album since it comes with a poster. ( I won't mention the other groups name since it might mean something to other people. I might be misunderstood. ) I just stared at her and told her " No, I was looking for SS501's album" then I looked away. I don't know if the saleslady noticed that or not, but then the next thing she told me was " SS501 is way better than ________". I looked at her again and smiled. ^^ They checked through their computer if it was available. They told me they only have one copy left, and it was already reserved! The saleslady who was in charge for the reservation is in rest day so they do not know where to look the reserved cd. I told them that since I am already there, might as well sell the album to me. They told me to come back in some other day and they will try to order the same album. I was in a panic mode already. I even begged the saleslady telling her that I came from a city that needs a couple of rides just to get there and this was my only purpose of visiting the place. I also got to the extent of offering my cellphone to call the saleslady who is in charge for the reservation. ( Yes, I even went that far! ) They seemed to see that I was in a desperate situation, so they gave the number to call. During that time, I also tried to call my Triple S friend who was working there to inform her about the news. We were supposed to buy it at the same time. She told me that she's going to AstroPlus to talk to the saleslady. When she got there, she told them that she was the one who made the reservation. That means... we have to choose who among us will buy the said Super Hits! OMG! I was in state of shock and didn't know exactly what to do. I can't just tell my friend that I will be the one to purchase it. She did the reservation so she might as well get it. I already lost all my hopes and ready to give up. Suddenly, my friend told me " That's okay, just purchase the album. I'll just wait for the next delivery ". I was surprised! I also asked her " Are you sure? " Then she said, " Go ahead, just buy ". OMO!!! I was embarrassed to take it but I was really in a desperate mode. I was so happy, I was even jumping inside the store. ( Yeah, literally! )  To my excitement, I immediately opened it while I was paying for it. I can't wait to get my hands to those lovely pictures. And indeed I wasn't disappointed! There were a lot of photos, and it also includes a cd, dvd, a sticker with pictures of them, and also a photobook with so many pictures of the boys, not to mention an individual photo with signatures of them!!!! Gyaaaahhh,... I was so happy that time. The 3 saleslady who was assisting us were also happy for us as we were browsing for the pictures. We looked silly at that time but what the heck! I don't care! The moment I saw their gorgeous faces, I couldn't help but shriek! What a memorable experience to finally geta hold of their SS501 Super Hits Deja Vu album! If it wasn't also for my generous Triple S friend, I wouldn't be to get it! So, I would really like to gave my huge THANKS to you!!!!! Someday, I'll be able to repay your generosity towards me, promise! KOMAWO yojachingu!!!!! ( Actually, she's not literally my girlfriend. kekeke She just happens to be my friend who is a girl. And also there was a story behind why I called her like that. Loooooooong story..... kekekekeke ) 

By the way here are some scanned pictures of the said photobook. Please don't get the pictures without permission. Thanks! Will upload some more if I have time. This is just the first batch of group's scanned pictures. Hope you get a copy also. It's totally worth it! ^^

                serious looking guys... :-P

                     The wacky 5... ^_^

                     Mal, are you pointing at me? kekekeke

                      Miss the 5 boys so much!!!!!!!!!

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