Monday, July 26, 2010

SS501 Heo Young Saeng's message to staff of OSEO Eye clinic

So it was 4 out of 5 members has considering Lasik surgery. It must be really effective since they were all doing it. We haven't heard much from Young Saeng, but it seems he was busy getting pampered and taking a rest after their activities. That's okay, you 5 guys need to take care of yourselves. Health is very important okay? We didn't realize that he was with Kyu Jong when Kyu was having his Lasik surgery. Really a dependable hyung, always there to take care of his dongsaengs. When he visited the OSEO Eye clinic, he left a note to the staff, but I am not sure if he is thanking the staff for taking care of him or Kyu Jong. Anyways, here is the translation. (Please repost with full credits.)
We all miss you Young Saeng ^^

credits :  thewig@naver + + 妈妈小花@baidu +

Below is extracted from OSEO Eye Clinic's blog:
SS501's Charismatic member Heo Young Saeng was at OSEO eye clinic giving support.
Heo Young Saeng who has given lots of strength to fellow member Kim Kyu Jong also follow closely to the result of his Lasik Surgery
Because of these 2 handsome boys, there are rumours that something major has occured along Gang Nam OSEO Eye Clinic's area ^ ^
Heo Young Saeng nim who visited Gang Nam OSEO Eye Clinic~
Stay happy always~~

The korean wordings below the signature:
Thankful for the serious and meticulous treatment!! ^ ^
Have a feeling of reborn? ke
Director nim of OSEO Eye Clinic
Thank you~~

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