Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To my first ever pet... T_T

This post will be dedicated to my first ever pet.. shaznei. We've had her for almost 10 years, almost half of my life. When she first came, I thought she will just be an ordinary dog that would keep bugging and playing with our things. I remember those times when you would look for some attention to have some quality time with us. I even remember the times when we had experienced a calamity, you were behave and didn't gave us any burden. She has been a very dependable and loyal pet. Whenever I feel sad, I feel happy, I feel excited, I feel worried, she was always there. Even though we had several pets after having her, she will still and always will be our first pet. I know shaznei, wherever you are, you will be safe, happy, and will able to run as fast as you can. Thank you for all the happy memories you have shared with us, thank you for sharing your lifetime with us, thank you for being the bestfriend that we could ever had. You have served us really well, I hope you've had a wonderful time with us. Thank you for all the laughter you have brought into this family. We will definitely miss you. We won't ever forget you. I hope you and my mommy will be together there in heaven...watching us... I love you shaznei..

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