Monday, October 4, 2010

[Eng Subs] Kim Hyung Jun's date with Choco

Finally, with English subs! Choco here seems so cute. ^^ Lucky Choco, always got a chance to receive a kiss from Hyung Jun-ah. I think a lot of girls would wish that they would be a toy poodle instead, so that everyday they can be with our lovely Maknae. Choco might have done a lot of good deed in her past life that is why she is receiving this huge amount of love from her owners. ^^ I was smiling when Hyung Jun was trying to command Choco to sit and then Choco wold not obey. kekeke ^^ Of course, I don't want to tell you the whole story for you might not attempt to watch the video. But I assure you it's definitely fun to watch, especially if you are Hyung Jun biased. ^^ Thanks a lot to reena29shadow for uploading it in you tube. ^^

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