Wednesday, October 13, 2010

[Eng Translation] Scenes from Mischievous Kiss Episode 13 Long Preview

Actually, I am restraining myself from reading or watching any previews for Episode 13 since it might ruin my imagination or expectation or excitement as what you may call it. But when I ran into this article, it's like a magnet that attracted me, and slowly I find myself reading the whole page! ^^ Oh well, so that you'll also know the story tonight, here is the recap for Episode 13. I must warn you, this translation will definitely make your heart beat faster, a lot of confession and revelations! 


Recap of episode 13 long preview:

When Seung Jo comes home, Ha Ni tentatively asks if he went on a matchmaking date. He admits he did, and when Ha Ni wonders if that means he will get married to Hye Ra, Seung Jo flatly replies that the point of going on matchmaking dates is to get married and Hye Ra is an ideal partner.

Ha Ni is enjoying a meal custom made for her by Joon Gu, who confesses that everything he does is for Ha Ni. When he made the noodles, he thought specifically about what Ha Ni would enjoy eating. He washes his hair and changes into presentable clothes everyday just in case Ha Ni came by. He tells her that she is his sole reason to live. Ha Ni is so touched that she agrees to go on a date with Joon Gu.

Hye Ra and Seung Jo are out on a date by the Han River, and discussing his work at his father’s gaming company. Seung Jo discusses how he is changing the company’s product lines away from the current craze for 3D gaming. Ha Ni and Joon Gu are on a date and happen to stop by the same coffee house. The boy is as excited as a puppy at the beach, remarking that he would have never been to such a place if not for Ha Ni.

The two couples run into each other, and Seung Jo’s face immediately freezes and Ha Ni’s discomfort is palpable. Hye Ra invites the other couple to double date at a jazz bar, and Seung Jo shoots down the idea saying Joon Gu and Ha Ni would be more suited to listening to street performers. Joon Gu rightly gets in Seung Jo’s face about the insult, but Ha Ni tugs Joon Gu away and says that Seung Jo sure knows her very well. Both guys comment that the other couple is such a perfect match for each other, though only Joon Gu means it.

Ha Ni sits at home and flashes back to Joon Gu’s marriage proposal earlier in the evening. Joon Gu tells her he’s loved her for 4 years as she has loved Seung Jo. But now that Seung Jo has a prospective marriage partner, isn’t it time for Ha Ni to finally let go. He asks her to marry him, telling her than he has always been behind her, all she needs to do is turn around and look.

Mom is waiting for Seung Jo when he gets home from his date with Hye Ra, and she is mad at him for agreeing to be set up for the sake of saving his dad’s company. Seung Jo replies that he’s not doing it for his dad, and when his mom pushes him further he says that he likes Hye Ra, isn’t that a good enough reason for dating her. Ha Ni overhears this entire conversation.

When they run into each other outside their rooms, the conversation is pointedly mean. Seung Jo asks whether she had fun on her date, and she says she had a great time unlike some other people. Seung Jo tells her to keep dating then.

Recap of episode 13 short preview:

Ha Ni to Seung Jo: I heard you went on a matchmaking date.

Hye Ra to Seung Jo: Surprised it’s me? Let’s just date, shall we?

Ha Ni: What’s going to happen, maybe Seung Jo will marry her.

Joon Gu to Ha Ni: You are the reason for my living. If you looked back you will see me, just look back at me here. Will you marry me?

Ha Ni’s friend to Seung Jo: Ha Ni said that she will give him an answer today.

Seung Jo to Ha Ni: I asked if you liked Bong Joon Gu?

Ha Ni: I am sick of being in a one-sided love, I want to be with someone who likes me.

Seung Jo: The person you like is me!

credits: ockoala@wordpress

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