Friday, November 5, 2010

[Screencaps] Mischievous Kiss Special Episode 3

So what was the answer if Hani's pregnant? See the captions on the pictures below. ^^

the look on Seung Jo's face wondering what is the celebration for?

the news that he got...

and his first reaction was?.... i thought at first he would be jumping for joy. guess not ^^

and when they visited the doctor..the answer was...?

laughing at Hani Seung Jo-ah? kekeke

me too Hani, I want him to resemble Seung Jo, except of course, the personality of being sarcastic ^^

wow...that was so sweet coming from a husband like him..♥
well, I guess I might have to agree... kekeke ^^

kekeke ^^


I guess we all know what would happen next... ^^

credits: ytkiss@youtube + Playful Kiss Subbing Team at

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