Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kim Hyun Joong's Fans helps the needy.... just like their idol ^^

Since Leader Kim Hyun Joong has the passion to help the needy, his fans were also doing the same thing. It's good to read this kind of news. ^^


Kim Hyun Joong’s Fans Club Earned more than 100 Million Won for Charity [10.12.28]

Credit: [Photo] + [Article]

Singer and actor Kim Hyun Joong’s fan club collected donations throughout the year exceeding 100 million won. Hyun Joong’s powerful supporters / fan clubs posted in their public notice boards that their fund raising earnings amounted to more than one hundred million won. These are the accumulated donations from fans for various charitable project like the Kim Hyun Joong Scholarship funds as well as donations for various institutions for the needy.

Donors list of more than 1,000 people were also further revealed.

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