Friday, December 31, 2010

Kyu Jong and Young Saeng Fanmeeting in Manila Promotional Video

OMG OMG OMG!!!! The moment I saw this video posted, I literally screamed in front of my computer! (eventhough it's late at night here) They are inviting us to watch their fanmeeting here in Manila! Even though I know it will happen, but hearing the invitation from them makes it more truthful! I am so excited!!!! Hopefully, someone with a kind heart would be able to translate whole clip. Please please please if you know how to translate it, don't hesitate to share it with us, And we will definitely be grateful for that. ^^ In fairness, Young Saeng spoke a lot here. ^^ For those who haven't gotten yet the tickets, head over to the Official Site where you can purchase the ticket. Seat Plan for the fanmeeting was already provided, so go ahead and buy your tickets now! This is just a one time opportunity you could not miss!

credits: GEPPInc@yt

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