Sunday, January 23, 2011

Gifs of Kim Hyun Joong from Mischievous Kiss Behind-the-Scenes

You miss Hyun Joong, right? We haven't heard any latest news about him. Well, I know I am late for posting these set of gifs, but I cannot help it not to share it with others who haven't seen it yet. (like me ^^) So let's all look at him doing extra ordinary things. ^^

self-cam Hyun Joong-ah? ^^

*think think think*

fresh from taking a shower... nice^^

doesn't like the chocolate, eh?

NG NG... remove the hands quickly ^^

sexy way to throw your towel ^^

who did you see Hyun Joong?

thought you don't like doing aegyo? ^^

serious... to laughter.. ^^

looks like a little boy who wants to steal the cardboard from the man holding it ^^

can't hold back the smile? ^^

conservative Hyun joong? kekeke ^^

Hyun Joong, you might got sick.. want to borrow my umbrella?

And my favorite gif is...
curious about something? ^^

credits: InvestigationKHJ

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