Monday, November 28, 2011

[Fancam] Kim Kyu Jong great fan service while filming for Dream Team

Another fancam that is worth keeping and worth watching! ^^ I'm a Hyun Joong-biased (you can tell just by looking at my name here namjachingu_khj ^^), but this one made me feel 'kilig' a lot! (those who knows Philippine language can understand what kilig is ^^) All through out the video, Kyu Jong did not forget to look into his fans, wave to them and show his warm smile despite the cold weather. I'd say... only cold-hearted people would not appreciate this video. How can you not fall for someone like him, who is very gentle and very kind? ^^ Also, how cute when Kyu Jong respond to the girl who called him, and he said "Oppa?" Can't help not to smile while watching the whole video. And did I mention that I've watched it for so many times? ^^ Huge thanks to ivannah501@twitter for providing the link. ^^ 

You might fall for Kyu Jong even more after watching this video! ^____^

credits: wangjanim0224@yt

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