Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kim Kyu Jong sings 'Wuss Up' and 'No More Yes' Live on JJ's Mstudio

I'm actually happy this morning. I was eating breakfast in front of our tv. I was tuned in to MYX (music channel) and surprisingly I saw them playing SS501's 'U R Man'. I immediately turned up the volume and screamed like a fangirl seeing her idol for the first time!!!!! ^^ You can say I'm insane, but I'm just extremely happy! Brings a lot of good memories! ^^ Anyways, enough about me. What I am posting here is actually about Kyu Jong's performance in JJ's Studio. 'Wuss Up' reminded me of the time when they had their fanmeeting here in the Philippines. Gosh, I wish they come back here. I miss them a lot. T.T 

Wuss Up

No More Yes
credits: breeloveskyu@yt

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