Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Official Photos of Kim Hyun Joong's Asia Tour from Key East

Whoa! When I saw these pics, the memories of Hi5 event held here in the Philippines immediately came back. It brought me back to the time when he was here and we were all screaming his name, and the long hours of wait just to see him for a few minutes, not to mention the fan sign event I have experienced.... falling in love all over again! ^^ I know, other fans was also brought back on those time upon seeing the pictures. Thanks so much Key East for providing these pictures to us. ^^


And these were the pictures that was taken here in the Philippines. ^^
 For Sparkling Magazine

The Face Shop Press Conference
Hi5 Event

My favorite picture because of his wonderful smile! ♥ 

credits: hyun-joong.com

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