Friday, August 17, 2012

Photo of Kim Kyu Jong after 4-weeks of training 08.17.12

After 4-weeks of training inside the military training camp, Kyu Jong has finally come out to start his public service. To be honest, I didn't know he will be coming out today. If it weren't to ivannah501, I'd be totally clueless. >.< Huge thanks to her and her updates, I was able to keep track of this moment. ^^ She even gave me the link for the picture of Kyu Jong. ^^ Thanks so much ate! ^^ Looking at the face of Kyu Jong, seems he get pretty tanned, but still handsome, eh? ^^ Does this mean he can finally send an SNS? If yes, then I'm so totally happy! ^^ I'd be able to see him once again in my timeline! Hopefully he will! ^^ We missed you Kyu Jongie! ^^

credits: ivannah501@twitter + kimjy9070@twitter

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