Saturday, October 6, 2012

Details about Kim Hyun Joong's first Full Japanese Album 'Unlimited'

I'm so overwhelmed about the so many news regarding Hyun Joong. ^^ I've been sitting here for more than an hour and it's still his updates that I'm posting. ^^ But I'm glad though, after so long that we haven't heard from him. He was right. Once he started promoting, we will all be filled with news about him. ^^ 알았다고 현중아 ~ ^^


Trans by: lafone0606

Hyun Joong's first solo album, "Unlimited"

The details are as follows::

Pre-order for the first limited versions
from Oct.5 - till Oct. 31, 23:59

Album Release: December 12
Album Contents: New Jap songs 3 +2PVs +
Making Movie

Henecial Japan Limited : KHJ hooded sweatshirt
is available

Another set for mobile/smart phone users is also

Album Sign Event : 300 fans are invited to
7 cities, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Hiroshima, Hakata
Sendai & Sapporo. Application for entry starts
Dec. 12 ~ till Dec. 16, 23:59pm.

Further details will be released later from
Universal Japan and Hyun Joong Japan official.

* Henecia Japan Limited set (CD+Hooded Sweatshirt)

Songs covered by Unlimited album]

14 songs ( songs not in order yet)

・Your Story (※New Japanese song①)
・I'm Yours (※ New Japanese song②)
・Save Today (※New Japanese song③)
・Kiss Kiss
・Break Down
・Lucky Guy
・Let's Party
Other Korean songs will be included (planned)

■HENECIA JAPAN Limited 9,800 yen
Hooded sweatshirt (a sort of copy of HJ's original)
CD "Limited" , Toll size Digital package.

■Kim Hyun Joong official mobile/smart phone site
member limited : CD Limited + Smart Phone stand

4,800 yen

■DATV Shopping A, B, Ordinary version set
10,800 yen * Details of bonus for this set
will follow later.

* It seems A, B & Ordinary (3 versions) will be
sold from Universal Japan and other online
shopping, music stores and so on. Details for
this will be announced later from Universal
Japan and HJ official site.

Lifted from: +

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