Saturday, March 30, 2013

Updates from Kim Hyun Joong's Lotte Duty Free Fanmeet 03.30.13

I didn't know he has a fanmeeting today for Lotte. I must be pre-occupied with a lot of things that I have completely looked over his schedule. 죄송합니다 김현중씨~ It was fun reading the translations of the said fanmeeting. The sleepy Hyun Joong, the manga-addict Hyun Joong, the funny Hyun Joong. ^^ He's very random in answering the questions, that's how honest he is. Thanks to howlovelylala for the quick translations. ^^

credits: @chanedon

credits: @chanedon

credits: @lyn0522

credits: @kazum39

- MC:to ur fans visited Korea. 김현중:I feel like I met them yesterday. RT @kazum39: 司会キム・テイさん登場。韓国に来たファンの方に何かありますか? → 昨日会った気がします。

- Congratulations u've won the prize at Okinawa InternationalMF 김현중:I truly owe it to everyone. RT @kazum39: 椅子に着席。沖縄よ受章おめでとうございます^^→皆さん真剣のおかげだた思います。拍手!!拍手!!

- You've done your Japan Tour this March. 김현중:'Everyone''s done great work! RT @kazum39: 3か月の日本ツアーお疲れさまでした。→皆もお疲れさまでした。拍手!!拍手!!

- (how do u feel after the Tour)김현중:I feel I am loved this much by U. My next album will be released w good quality. RT @kazum39: 3か月のツアーを終えて→皆さんからこんなに愛されているのだと感じた。次のアルバムにも繋がっている。さらにクオリティの高いものができそうだ。

- (what do u do on ur day off)김현중:I dont get any day off.. I spend a whole day preparing the variety show and album. RT @kazum39: 休みがあったら何をしたい?→休みがない。バラエティの準備、アルバム準備、いろいろすると1日が終わってしまう…。

- 김현중:i lost my weight like 1.5kg after the concert.(How much put your energy for the co-stage with dancers and a band) RT @kazum39: バンドとダンスのコラボステージ。どのくらいパワーを使うのか知りたく、コンサートの前と後で体重を計った。1.5kg減っていた。

- 김현중:planning to have a world tour frm Sep and it might be possilbe to show myself as an actor at the end of the year RT @kazum39: 9月頃からワールド、年度末には俳優としての姿もお見せできるかも…

- 김현중: I got a Master certificate(scuba dive) in Okinawa.Next time, i will get a instructor certificate. RT @kazum39: 沖縄でマスターを取った。次はインストラクターを。

- 김현중: 'OnePiece' than diving. i really like the cartoon. I've never cried when reading a cartoon but I did for the first time cuz of it. RT @kazum39: ダイビングよりワンピースを取るって(笑)本当に好きだそうです。漫画を見て泣いたのはワンピースが初めて。

- Q:the ring on ur ring finger, wih someone? 김현중: it's from the brand I modeled for.I've been using it for a long time ago. I will tell you then (if I have someone.) RT @kazum39: 質問1。左薬指の指輪は?誰かと一緒?→モデルになってるブランドのもの。それと昔からしているもの。心配しないでください。そういう時がきたらちゃんとお話します。まだ7年以上ら左記のことですよ。

- Q2 김현중: I'd like to dance by 34 and get married by 40 (fans surprising sound) Why? Do you guys also getting married.(laughing) Please wish my happiness too. RT @kazum39: 質問2 。→34才まではダンスをしたい。カジュアルらずっと続けたい。40才までには結婚したい。 ここで、えー!の声。なんで?皆さんは結婚してるのに(笑)僕の幸せも願ってください。

- Q3 What are u eating for breakfast?김현중:I dont eat breakfast.When I wake up it's midday RT @kazum39: 質問3。朝御飯ら何を食べる?→朝御飯は食べない。起きるのが遅いから起きたら昼だ。

- Q: Did you say you wanted to lengthen your hair? 김현중:I want to try different roles like singer, actor, and so on. I wish I can go back to the time.(*the moment he had his hair cut? Not sure this part) RT @kazum39: 髪の毛を伸ばしたいといいましたが?→歌手や俳優、いろいろなものに挑戦したいので、その時にあったものをしていきたい。

- Q:If you go out w someone in Seoul, where do u want to go?김현중: I know girls like to say to go to a romantic place or walk around town, but actually like department store. (laughing) So I'd like to get some gifts at department store. But I never did. If I go with, I will become a driver. RT @kazum39: ソウルでデートするならどこへ?→女性の皆さんは町歩きしたいとかロマンチックな所に行きたいと言いますが本当はデパートが好きですよね(笑)なのでデパートでプレゼントを買ってあげたい。でも、やったことがないです。僕が行ったら記事になってしまう(笑)

- 김현중:I was worries that you would get a cold since it was colder in Seoul than in Japan. Please get a warm coat during the tour. RT @akira6171: 한국은 일본보다 추우니 여러분 감기 걸리지 않을까 걱정이었습니다. 관광하는 도중에 점퍼나 코트를 입고 사 입으세요♡ @khj_k40_1988

- Q:what do u want to do on day off? 김현중: Actually I work without day off.yesterday i also worked in the recording studio. RT @akira6171: 쉬는 날이 있으면 무엇을 하고 싶습니까? 라는 질문에, 솔직히 쉬는 날은 전혀 없습니다. 어제도 벌써 스튜디오에서 녹음했습니다. @khj_k40_1988

- There will be something to surprise you before the next album. Please look forward to it. I will take a break till then RT @akira6171: 다음 앨범 전에 여러분이 깜짝 놀랄 일이 있으니 기대해 주세요. 그 때까지 잠시 쉬겠습니다. :@kazum39

- Q:If u have a dayoff,what do u want among One Piece/soccer/diving?김현중:(even before the Q finised) ONE PIECE! RT @akira6171: 만약 하루만 쉬는 날이 있다면 ONE PIECE, 축구, 다이빙, 어느 것을 선택하시겠어...? 질문이 끝나기도 전에 ONE PIECE!!!@khj_k40_1988 

- Q: when you think you look good? 김현중: (shy smile) When I take off my T-shirts to let my instructor check my muscles...(HJ stopped saying and very embarrassed) RT %40akira6171: 1.내가 정말 멋지다고 생각하는 순간은? 어떤 때? 부끄러운 미소
인스트럭터가 제 근육을 체크하는데 티셔츠를 벗어 보일 때...여기까지 말하며 크게 부끄러워함 

- (con)김현중:I think my body looks better compared than the other people standing next to me.(*when get checked by intstructor together)(HJ felt very shy here bending himself forward and curving his eyes like crescent moon. so cute!) 2.그리고, 함께 서있는 다른 사람들과 비교하며 멋지다고 ♡라며 몸을 접으며 크게 부끄러워하고, 눈을 막 접고 웃는 얼굴에 최고로 모에♥

credits: howlovelylala@twitter

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