Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happy Parents Day! 05.08.13

Today is the celebration of Parents Day in South Korea. As we all know, Koreans are very much into respecting their parents that they even have this celebration every 8th of May. Though here own our country we celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day however it's on separate days. Well, since it's the special day of those people who have given us our inspiration everyday, let me pay my tribute to them. Here are some clips I'd like to post here for them. First is the 'World School' part in Music High way back 2011 (I miss this in Music High. Too bad its no longer part of it. T_T) where Hyung Jun mentioned 'Parents' in different languages. How cute when he said the Philippine version 'magulang'. ^^ Next video clip is the part where SS501 had their first fanmeeting and their Parents showed up and gave messages. They even bowed to their parents. How touching. ^^ Thank you for bringing these boys to us. We all pray for your good health and long life. 더블에스오공일
어머니 아버지 고맙습니다!

credits: Kyujunnie@yt + reena29double@yt

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