Wednesday, May 1, 2013

SS501 Tweets: Happy 501 Day! 05.01.13 (Updated)

Today is a very special day for Triple S and SS501 Members. We are celebrating 오공일 데이! ^^ When the clock strikes midnoght, the first thing that came to my mind is 'I'm very sure Kyu Jong will tweet today. He won't forget it.' Surprisingly, it was Jung Min who tweeted first, greeting everybody. ^^ When I woke up, it's Kyu Jong who tweeted also. ^^ So happy! ^^ I hope Young Saeng and Jjunie won't forget this day too, no matter how busy they are. ^^ 김현중 허영생 김규종 박정민 김형준 해피 오공일 데이!! ^^

*Update: Kyu tweeted with a picture of him blowing a cake! ^^ So sweet of him! ^^
**Sean Alexander greeted Kyu Jong and Kyu replied back. There it is again, he said 'SS501 is the best ♥' 
***Added tweet of Hyung Jun. ^^ 

credits: 2kjdream + JungMin0403 + HyungJun87 + seanalexander23 + xiaochu1004@twitter (English Translation)


  1. Happy 501 only for 501.....the two of them adorable n cutest

  2. If not for your blog I would miss twit from our TripleS president and 2 other from Sexy Charisma. My phone didn't pick up them >.<
