Sunday, May 26, 2013

[Video] Cut of Kim Hyun Joong speaking in English in 'Barefoot Friends' Episode 6 05.26.13

푸하하하하하하하 I love it when he's ta'king in English. ^^ Doesn't it sound so cute? And his reaction while speaking in English is totally daebak! ^^ He should speak more of it though I know he hates talking in English. Remember 'Idol World' days? He said it before he don't like English parts in songs. 'Show me yul ahl~' ㅋㅋㅋ 영어가 괜찮아 김현중씨. *wink* 사실은 나는 그것을 좋아한다. ^^

credits: Chikaharu Kim@yt

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