Sunday, June 9, 2013

[Eng Translation] Kim Hyun Joong's Talk part in his 'Party People' Fanmeeting in Seoul 06.08.13

Full of funny statements as well as touching phrases from our Leader Kim Hyun Joong! Huge thanks to the translators and uploader of the fancam. ^^ 역시 우리 리더 김현중! ♥

【EN TRANS :: 130608 김현중 KHJ Last Talk Before Encore at PARTY PEOPLE 】

0:16 The last song... I feel like I have to sing.. (Audience: Let's stay up all night!!)

0:28 I don't feel not good enough to stay up all night. (giggling)

0:33 okay, it's my birthday party, well not a pary though, it's my birthday party and my 6th debut anniversary, (corrected) 8th debut anniversary as well. (Audience : Congrats!!)

0:52 So quickly.

0:55 Well, what I was talking about? We receive 12 years of (formal) schooling, right? We don't? We receive 12 years of schooling. (Audience : you don't count years for college)

1:18 College education is not a schooling. All my friends haven't been to college but they eat well and live well. Well, they work at night though. (all laugh) Of course it's better if graduate college.

1:47 It's my birthday, and it's very grateful to see many fans come together to celebrate my birthday. I will keep making great efforts on and on for my fans and also for a person, Kim Hyun Joong to become more mature. As I told you before, I should be also happy so that you guys can feel happy see me. (Audience: yes~)

2:22 For me, as I always say, I feel happiest on the stage. (applause)

2:33 I will sing on the stage and act on TV as a happy person somehow, you guys, anytime, when you feel down, please be happy again because of me.

2:57 For today's ending, I think this song best fit. I will sing 'Let me be the one'.

@howlovelylala took a dictation and translated from @lyna0606 's fancam, 20130608 Kim Hyun Joong @ PARTY PEOPLE via @youtube

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