Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kim Hyun Joong's 'Cappuccino' MV for his 3rd Single 'Tonight' is out! 06.06.13

Just got home from work and I felt like I was waaaaaaay too behind the updates. >.< 미안해 여러분. But thanks to all my followers and visitors who's always there to give me easy access on updates. ^^ 감사합니다~ ^^ Thanks to Oi Ling for leaving a message on the sidebar and giving the link of this MV. A lot of Triple S fans saw immediately Park Jung Min in the said video. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 말정민 말 정민 말정민 말~~~♫  ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 농담이야 정민아 ^^ 아무튼 김현중 멋지다!! ♥ Blue contacts, eh? ^^

credits: Sari Park@yt 


  1. Replies
    1. 'horse' is what usually the other 4 members tease JungMin that's why most of Triple S says that is Jung Min on the MV. ^^ I'm not really certain if under that mask is really JungMin or not.

  2. i know our mal..... but so many comments made me confuse.. actually the horse mask is the same during the thank you for raising me up days....
