Wednesday, August 14, 2013

[Eng Translation] Kim Hyun joong's Guesting in Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketchbook 08.10.13

More and more updates are coming my way and I'm already late for work. >.< However, I would still post this to all my readers so you can see it already. ^^ The I'm gonna be heading for work. Have fun reading! ^^ 김현중 보고싶어!!

[TRANSCRIPT] #김현중 #YourStory Yoo Hee-yeol's Sketchbook

YHY: The return of the Hallyu Star, Kim Hyun Joong. Welcome~

KHJ: Hello audience of 'Sketchbook', I'm Kim Hyun Joong

YHY: It's your first appearance in do you feel?

KHJ: I've watched Sketchbook in the plane..

YHY: You can watch Sketchbook in the plane too

KHJ: So I was thinking it would be great if I could see myself on the show too. And the day finally came & I feel honored to be in this show

YHY: Oh, so you mean you've been watching me (through the show) in the plane?

KHJ: Yeah, I've been watching your show

YHY: Now you've seen me in person, do you feel like you are seeing a celebrity/star?

KHJ: I feel a little unfamiliar yet intimate too..because I've been keeping an eye on you..

YHY: Oh..

KHJ: But are able to turn a dull topic into something funny

YHY: Me?

KHJ: So after watching, I think that you are someone with mysterious charms

YHY: I don't get the connection here but I feel happy listening to this. Have you have any thoughts on my looks after seeing me (in person)?

KHJ: There is

YHY: What do you think?

KHJ: You look the same in TV

YHY: That's right, it means I look great too (in TV and in person). I get it

YHY: Recently we've seen Hyun Joong's diving appearance on TV but it's been a long time since you've been on stage on TV. So how you've been during these time?

KHJ: I've been diving during those off-stage time. There's no need to plan for a holiday and I can just spend my time in the swimming pool.

YHY: Oh! Please introduce the first song you've just sang

KHJ: The first song was 'Lucky Guy'..yeah....

YHY: Is that all? A song called 'Lucky Guy'? And that's the intro?

KHJ: I need to add more for the intro..?

YHY: Alright *burst into laughters*

YHY: Hyun Joong had debuted from group SS501, right? How do you feel during your solo activities after changing from the group activities?

KHJ: It's difficult

YHY: And what's the difficult point?

KHJ: The difficult point is I have to digest all the parts like improving my lung capacity or physical fitness. After debuting solo, I've been working out on my stamina

YHY: You've been holding your own solo concert that lasts for two to three hours and you were a dance singer. I've heard that you've been singing ballad songs in your concert too. Have you sang a lot?

KHJ: I sang 3 (ballad) songs

YHY: What kind of ballad song? It's kind of hard to imagine..

KHJ: Really?

YHY: Why not sing one song for us?

KHJ: Shall I sing one song?

KHJ: I'm sorry but can I sing facing the opposite side?

YHY: Yes of course

KHJ: Because it's a little awkward to sing facing a I'll sing facing the opposite side

YHY: Okay, I'll also listen to your song facing the opposite side (against your back)..let's give him a round of applause

YHY: The vibration in your voice was really this part 'If you are...'

KHJ: It seems that I'm feeling very nervous..there's so many men in front of me and they don't seemed to be very happy

YHY: Their expressions?

KHJ: Yeah, they keep looking at me like this and I feel a little sorry

YHY: Because you've been singing 'If you are..' facing at them, their expressions go like 'so what?'

KHJ: I'm sorry

YHY: Have you ever had any ideal person whom you want to collaborate with as a singer?

KHJ: It's Lee Juck sunbaenim

YHY: Why Lee Juck?

KHJ: I just like him

YHY: His songs since it's soothing

KHJ: It's soothing and refreshing

YHY: It seems that your voice will match well with Lee Juck's melody like Lee Juck's It's Fortunate. Do you think your voice will suit in these kind of songs?

KHJ: Really? So can you ask him for a song for me?

YHY: Well Lee Juck is now hosting a show called 'Enemy of Broadcasting'

KHJ: *wide eyed* Is this a late-night show?

YHY: No, it's called Enemy of Broadcasting

KHJ: Ah, Enemy of Broadcasting..I was shocked

YHY: No way! I wouldn't have said such words

KHJ: I thought it was really a rated show

YHY: How could I be like this? Lee Juck is my precious junior

KHJ: That (just now) was really shocking

YHY: Hyun Joong had debuted for almost 8 years and you're 28 years old now. Soon you'll turn 30, right? What do you wish to accomplish before you turn age 30? Firstly as a singer?

KHJ: I want to hold a concert for free

YHY: A free concert

KHJ: Yeah, it will soon be the 10th anniversary for my debut in two years time. I've been receiving a lot of love from the public, so to repay them, I want to hold a free concert in a large venue.

YHY: That's good. You want to hold a free concert for fans as a singer, what about as an actor before you turn 30?

KHJ: I want to try for 2 drama projects

YHY: Two?

KHJ: Yeah, a manly character in a drama and a flowerboy in another drama

YHY: Like Jihoo sunbae from Boys Over Flowers?

KHJ: It would be great it I have a little more flesh compared to last time

YHY: Because you were too thin back then

KHJ: Back then..I looked like a joss stick

YHY: If you are using expression like this to describe yourself, how else should I describe you as? But you were really handsome

KHJ: But I was really thin last time

YHY: I've been wondering, that usually singers practice their singing by imitating other singers, so how do you practice your acting as an actor? Do you use the same method?

KHJ: Yeah. Similar to singing, I will try to imitate other actors' acting too

YHY: Whom have you tried imitating?

KHJ: I've watched the movie The Man From Nowhere a lot of times

YHY: The one from Wonbin..which part of the dialogues have you been practicing?

KHJ: There was a really cool speech in the movie - 'When the child dies, organs will be taken out'

KHJ: seems like this part cannot be broadcasted..I'll just make some correction to it..

KHJ: 'If the child dies, organs will be donated. Hair to Chungcheongdo, earwax to Gyeongsangdo, nose mucus to Seoul. If you did any mistake, you should apologize to that child'..and so there's a speech in the move similar to this.

KHJ: Sorry~ It's been a long time (for audience) coming out for a date but I've made the atmosphere like this..

YHY: From my opinion, it seems like I'm watching a solo comic gag. The feeling is strange. Have you talked to yourself like this?

KHJ: Yeah, sometimes I acted 7 characters alone too

YHY: Alone?

KHJ: Yeah

YHY: Can you show it to us?

KHJ: I've tried this once when I was alone lying on the this..

Character 1: Ah! I can't sleep
Character 2 enters the room: Yah! You're still not asleep yet?
Character 3 from another corner of the room: Why did you enter?
Character 4 lying beside Character 1: You'd better go to bed. All of you, get out of the room

KHJ: Something like this...

YHY: *speechless* It's the 198th episode today. It feels spooky (listening to the story). Now let's move on to the latest album that Hyun Joong had released? What is the album title?

KHJ: It's called 'Round 3'

YHY: Why is it titled 'Round 3'?

KHJ: It's the third mini album that I have released. After I have watched UFC, it ends at the third round, right? So this album was prepared as if it's the last album I'm going to release.

YHY: I see..

KHJ: Besides this, fans have been asking me when will I release a full album. I don't have plans to release a full album.

YHY: The reason being is?

KHJ: It confuses me. I have already released third (mini) album so far and if it suddenly becomes the first (full) album, then the fourth (mini) album following next

YHY: *nods trying to understand* Now that we have understood what Hyun Joong was trying to say..

YHY: Hyun Joong is now working with Yoon Jong Shin in the same show now, have you ever asked for a song offer from him?

KHJ: Never

YHY: Why?

KHJ: Because it'll seem like there's some kind of motives

YHY: As if a business motive exists. But since both of you are in the same show, had he given you any advice for your comeback?

KHJ: One day he suggested to me whether I wanted to cover one of his songs, and so I was choosing the songs recently, but it seemed it won't succeed since I'm too busy.

YHY: *laughs* This is the last question. What is your dream?

KHJ: My dream..I don't have a dream. Because I think today, everyday is my dream. Treasure every minute & second of each day, enjoy a stress-free life & welcome tomorrow. So I don't have a dream. My principle is 'to enjoy living today happily'

credits: shirbogurl5@yt + @heavenly606 (English Translation)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much dear! You've done a great job! Keep up the good work!
