Sunday, April 6, 2014

[Eng Translation] Kim Hyun Joong's Media Interview April 2014

Several media portals released today interviews with our very own Kim Hyun Joong! ^^ The pictures are just ♥♥♥. I really like this hairstyle of Leader! Brings out his more handsome looks! ^^ Thanks to TheAlienPrince for translating some parts of his interview. So basically he will be entering military in 2015 and he even mentioned about releasing another album plus overseas activities. I am so excited to see him active again in the music industry. ^^ 김현중 화이팅!!! ^^

HJ: I think my new album will come out bfore WorldCup. I want to prepare album that fits WC where ppl can gather & feel good when listening.

HJ: I'm also preparing for Korean concert as well as a tour.

HJ: I think I will enter the military service next year. I will go as Grade 1 (active duty)

HJ: I'll turn 30 next year. I think 'Inspiring Generation' would be the last drama where I can show a character who's in his 20s.

KHJ with his changed gaze & tone/speech shook off flower boy image & transformed to real man

HJ will go for a full-scale overseas tour starting from June.

credits: TheAlienPrince (English Translation) + @mollybb0706

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