Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy 501 Day! 05.01.14

Hello Pretties! I am finally back to blogging!! ^^ Sorry if I have been absent for almost 2 weeks. Well, it's because I had my vacation in Korea so I didn't have time to post some updates. Mianhe~ Don't worry, I'll share to you my escapade once again in a different post. But for now, let me greet each and every Triple S around the world Happy 501 Day! This might be an ordinary day for some, but for us with the pearl light green blood, this is the day we all celebrate. ^^ We have encountered so many trials with our biases, so many ups and downs, some are hurtful, some are joyful, but our faith still remains that one day, some day, our 5 boys will be coming back as one. ^^ No matter how long it takes, I believe that patience is still our virtue. It's been 9 years that we are enjoying and celebrating this day, that special day we all cherish. ^^ To our boys namely Leader Kim Hyun Joong, Prince Heo Young Saeng, Forever Center Kim Kyu Jong, Sexy Charisma Park Jung Min, and Maknae Kim Hyung Jun, wherever you might be at this day I wish you will be thinking of us pretties and stop and smile and say... 'It's 501 Day... it's our day.' ^^  해피 오공일 데이! ^^