Saturday, May 1, 2010

501 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This day seems to be a very special day. Not only because it's a holiday, but also today is 501 day!! What do I mean? Well, today is SS501 day! I'm so happy to see the latest pictures of the boys. I so so love them super!!!! With this new concept, it will definitely make all triple s crazy over them! I can't wait for their fanmeeting on July! (honestly,it's not yet confirmed.*keeping fingers crossed*) Anyway, here are just a few pictures shown in their official website.
Kim Hyun Joong

Kim Kyu Jong

Heo Young Saeng

Park Jung Min

Kim Hyung Jun

               Waaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Hope to see their up coming album soon! Haven't sleep yet since yesterday because as soon as I got home from work, this was the one I was thinking.kekeke ^_^

By the way, I celebrated my birthday last Sunday but officially, it was on Monday. Given the fact that I have to report to work on Monday, my sister decided to take me to Korean/Japanese restaurant located in Timog. Yakiniku was the name of the restaurant and I can say that I did enjoy the food, as it was the same as the food that the boys love to eat. Here was the photo taken hile I'm trying to cook some food.

Okay enough of that mouth watering food. hehehe. I will update this blog once I have latest news from the boys. Anneyong! ^_^

*credits for the photos: DSP Website

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