Saturday, May 15, 2010

waiting for them to come

It has been a while since I posted something here.I was kinda busy at work and at the same time with the fanvid I was making for the boys.Well, there is no news about them yet. Probably their supposedly come back would be at the end of this month. I really missed them so much especially Kim Hyun Joong. And speaking of him, I dreamt of him last night. Want to know what the story is? Well, it is kinda short and all I can remember was he was being questioned about whom he is with right now. Meaning, if he has a girlfriend. And the next thing that happened was he was running with a girl and they went in a car. He bid goodbye to the girl and telling her where exactly she should go. I was really hurt with that scenario. I know that someday there is a possibility for it to happen. But I hope that I'll be ready by then. Now that I'm thinking about it, my heart starts to ache... I should start learning to control my feelings...soon.

Anyway, here are the fanvids I have just made. Hope you'll like them. ^__________^

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