Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Gift for Leader Kim Hyun Joong.. ^^

Remember when Kim Hyun Joong visited the Philippines to attend the charity concert last June 19, 2010? I even made a fan account from the day he arrived here until the time he finished the concert. Did I mention that I bought something for him as a gift since it was also his birthday? If I forgot to mention it, mianhe. I guess my mind was full of leader during those days. kekekeke. Actually, on the day of meet and greet, I managed to buy something for him. It wasnt expensive compared to what others were buying. But when I saw this, I immediately thought about him and did not hesitate to buy it. I was supposed to buy 2 so that I can keep the other one. But there was only one left. That's when I decided that he might as well have it. For me, this gift reminded me of him. The color, the design ( looks like a devil, Korea is known as the Red Devils in soccer right? ). It was so meant to be... at least for me. kekeke Here's what I have bought for him. You think he'd like it? Hopefully.... ( keeping fingers crossed )

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