Friday, July 23, 2010

SS501 Center Kim Kyu Jong's message

You have probably heard the news that Hyung Jun and Kyu Jong undergo a Lasik surgery. And you've already seen their photos during the time they visited the clinic. Well, our sweet Kim Kyu Jong happened to leave a note to say how he feels after the surgery. I was curious about what he said, and luckily, an angel from above named josie translated his message. ^^ She was fast in doing the translation, good job girl! ^^ And a huge tanks to her and klmm for giving me the permission to post this. Komawo chingu ^_____^

Translations: [Chinese - English]

Eyes. I want everyone to know that it is very important. Fire ya~~~

I have bad eyesight since young hence have been wearing glasses.

After becoming an artiste I have started to put on contact lenses.

The bright lightings and working through the nights causes the eyes to be very tired.

Contact lenses add on to the tiredness.

I was recommended to Lasik.

So I went to the hospital. Found out more about the procedures of the surgery from the nurses noona.

After discussion with the head of department, decided to go ahead with the surgery.

The surgery can be completed in a short 20 minutes, within this short period of time

in exchange for a brighter life. Initially was still worried and scared!

Really was a quick and easy surgery. No pain at all, can continue with a comfortable and normal routine the day after the surgery. Because it was so good, I recommended it to my mother who has been wearing glasses for the past 20 years. Mother also achieved very good results after the surgery.

Every day every day live happily~~ Thank you~~ Fire ya!

credit:rlagodud1092/140111207675@naver + 妈妈小花@baidu

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