A lot of news are spreading right now with regards to the signing of contract to KeyEast by Kim Hyun Joong. Honestly, I was one of the first person who post this news yesterday. And if you have read it, you can tell that I was a little upset about that matter. I was really out of control and even earlier at work, I acted like a crazy person, crying every time I'll be having my break... thinking what will happen next. But I have come to my senses, and realized that I just have to believe in them. They told us that we need to believe, so why doubt their statements? And I was right! Apparently, around some months ago, Jung Min and Hyung Jun signed to DSP to renew their contract. When it was Hyun Joong's turn, he told DSP he won't renew his contract UNLESS Kim Kyu Jong signed up first. But DSP refused Hyun Joong's condition. This led to Hyun Joong signing up for a different agency. He also referred Kyu Jong to YG entertainment. So, with what others are thinking about him, leaving the 4 boys behind is definitely NOT TRUE!!!! How can he do that, when he was trying to save the group? He even took the blame of all those people who were judging him about his actions. How good a leader can be?! Actually, good is not the exact word. BEST LEADER is the appropriate one! It was so touching to know his motives towards all of these incidents! An angel in disguise! If you can re-watch the X-concert fanmeeting, you would see that Kyu Jong gave a message to leader, stating that leader shouldn't carry all the burden JUST because he is the leader of SS501, and then he started tearing... Even Mal cried a lot because at that time, they knew already about leader's move. Imagine, Kim Hyun Joong sacrificing his name and career for his brother Kyu. That's how he love his brothers and the whole group. He stood up as a Leader until the end! We should treasure and appreciate all of his efforts, we should not judge him by what we hear from others. We must trust him, the way he trusted us Triple S.With all the things that he has done for us fans, might as well return the favor to him. Now, he needs us Triple S to believe in everything that Double S told us during the fanmeet. It is still not yet the end, it is still not goodbye, it's just see you later, wait for them, and they will definitely come back. We support you and we love you Double S oh gong il!!!! Hwaiting!!!! Mansae!!!!!
credits: Minuat + 00lanse@baidu