

Friday, February 11, 2011

[Screencaps] Kim Kyu Jong Summer & Love DVD

It's a very short clip, however you will definitely enjoy every second of it. The moment I got to watch this, I immediate thought of getting screen captures. I posted some of Young Saeng's picture yesterday, and now it's Kyu Jong's turn. ^^ Did I mention to you before that Kyu Jong is way way waaaaay MORE HANDSOME than in the pictures and videos? I swear, once you see him in person, the first thing you'll say is 'He is so handsome!'. I experienced that myself, the moment we got our eyes locked at each other, I heard my own heartbeat, literally. ^^ Thinking about that time, my heart starts to beat fast again. ^^

 credits: eednaka@yt


  1. I read in Kyu Jong's tweet that he's gotten married..Is that true?!?..can someone properly answer this question coz a lot of T.S. fans have the same ? as mine..

  2. hmmm... i never read that tweet. can you still remember when he tweeted that? because I always put an english translation to almost all of their tweets and none of them being translated that Kyu Jong said he was married. ^^


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