

Monday, August 8, 2011

My raffle ticket for Kim Hyun Joong's 'The Face Shop' Promo

It was only now that I got to share this with you, but I actually had it since last week. ^^ Before I went to work, I stooped by in one of 'The Face Shop' outlets near our area. As I walk closer to the store, I could already see this huge standee of Hyun Joong. Too bad I didn't bring any camera with me so I wasn't able to take a picture. >_< Anyways, the first thing I did was to look around on what to buy. I actually uses TFS products and I can say it's actually good for my skin. I bought 3 products, and when I was at the cashier, I immediately asked, 'There's an ongoing raffle, right?'. And the lady told me, 'Ma'am are you a fan of Kim Hyun Joong?' I immediately answered 'YES!' Then, she started telling me about the raffle promo. Withoput hesitation, I bought the album to get 2 posters and a raffle ticket. Although I know in myself that I'm not lucky when it comes to raffle draws, but still I joined the promo. Besides, I don't want to regret in the future if I will not participate. Really excited for August 25! ^^

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