

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Event for the final episode of Mischievous Kiss

Aaawww... final already? that is so soon. I 'm still having fun watching the two of them. Oh well, every drama must come to an end. I wasn't only expecting that this so soon. Well, on the positive side of this news, Hyun Joong can rest earlier since right now he couldn't get enough sleep before of the shooting. Another event that would give happiness and memorable experience with the fans. 


Event for the final show of with fans

Credit: http://hyun-joong.com/bbs/view.asp?idx=3444&code=notice_eng&searchopt=&searchkey=&category=&page=1

Hello. This is KEYEAST.
An autumn breeze blows softly, we feel this year is drawing to close.
All the fans who cherish KIM HYUN-JOONG, please be careful not to catch a cold and have a happy season.
The final episode of Playful KISS-KIM HYUN-JOONG‘s second drama- is coming.
Thank you for your continuous interest and support. It gives KIM HYUN-JOONG and all members of the cast and staff a big help. The mood of the set was great and cordial.
So as the reward, we make the day for you to watch the final episode of with KIM HYUN-JOONG.
Specially, this event was first planned by KIM HYUN-JOONG who is now the new member of KEYEAST. It will be the most precious memory for all of you.
Entry fee is 10,000 won and all the money will be donated to charity. Those who want to participate, please make applications following the directions below. Participants will be received on a first-come first-serve basis. We will notice detail informations to participants personally by e-mail.

Title : Event for the final show of with fans
Time : 21, October, 2010 21:00-23:00
Place : Dom art hall (Neung dong, Gwang jin gu, Seoul. the seats are decided by lot)

7, October, 2010 - 9, October 2010

Fill the application form and email to the address : event@hyun-joong.com
this ticket admits one person only.

(1) Name of the applicant:
(2) HYUN-JOONG.COM official homepage ID:
(3) Nationality:
(4) Passport number:
(5) Phone number (including the number where we can reach):
(6) E-mail address:

* This ticket admits one person only. Participants will be received on a first-come first-serve basis.
* The number of the people is limited for the safety.
* Photo shoot or filming is forbidden.
* If you apply for commercial use or if you apply with wrong information, applications will be canceled.
* Please ask for more information to this address : event@hyun-joong.com

Thank you.

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