

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kim Kyu Jong's 'Goong' Musical had sold out performances

I'm glad that a lot of people are watching Kyu Jong's 'Goong'. ^^ Although some overseas fans could not afford to fly over to Japan (like me T_T), it still has a good reaction from the public. I hope many would come until July 1 which is the last day of his performance. Fighting Kyu Jong! Congratulations on your sold out performances! ^^


Musical “GOONG” Box Office Green Light, Sold Out Performances

Source: Kyeongin news & Naver News
Chinese Trans: redcat111@www.kimkyujong.com.cn
English Trans: http://cllslam10.blogspot.com
Pls repost with credits

[Musical GOONG] Box Office Green Light, Sold Out Performances with 1200 Seats Full with Audience Interaction On Unique Stage

Production Company Group Eight pass a message on 14 Jun [Musical GOONG] recorded a sold out last week under this grand premiere opened the curtain for the first time in Japan.
This year 11 Jun, Kabuki Theatre in Kyoto Japan recorded a sold out musical of 1200 seats, making everyone highly anticipated for the [Musical GOONG].

The Japanese Kabuki performances staged in the name used by the “flower arrangement (for the actors moving across the auditorium stage, the additional device), “a unique take advantage of the stage, completing the modest audience closer to the [Musical GOONG].

Especially Prince Shin which was acted by SS501 Kim Kyu Jong, his debut success as the Crown Prince to face the ancient stage, many fans who came to watch felt humbled and privileged after watching posted news.  Kim Kyu Jong from start till the end without losing his elegance, making part of the Japanese crew questioning “Is that a 1st timer musical actor?”

Kim Kyu Jong acting as “Lee Shin” stated: “I can feel the different interesting aspects of the Musical.  Even though I am still not really used to the high tension, even if in fear cool composure must also be repeated in order to stabilize the body energy to enhance the musical rhythm of beauty.  However, successfully staged the beginning of the end, with the audience’s repeated support that I can complete more perfect each day in the musical and become crown prince. ” that the spirit of the mind to prepare.

[Musical GOONG] produced by Group Eight will continue performing in Japan, Kyoto, Japan, (Kabuki Theatre) until 1 July.

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