Whenever I am looking for HD pictures of Hyun Joong, I always look for those photos shared by MurdererQ because sriously they are definitely good shots. ^^ It's as if I can use them as a wallpaper on my phone or even on my desktop. ^^ That's how good MurdererQ is. ^^ Take for example these photos taken during his departure in Japan and arrival in Korea. That first picture is just one of the many pictures I like the most. ^^ Hyun Joong is sooooo handsome even though he was not smiling. And that pouty shot is just cute to look at. ^^ 사랑해요 김현중!♥
Please abide to MurdererQ's request:
※ 圖片嚴禁修改。圖片嚴禁修改。圖片嚴禁修改。包括在WEIBO!!!
※ 재업로드,2차 변형 금지!!!
※ 画像二次加工禁止です!!!
※ No edite mis fotos!!!
credits: http://blog.naver.com/murdererq/220136726275

Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
HD Photos of Kim Hyun Joong at Gimpo Airport from Japan 09.29.14
Even though he is not smiling at the pictures, I still can utter the words 'He is so handsome!♥' Don't you agree? Looks like he's doing a photoshoot, right? 핸섬 가이 김현중! ♥ He likes wearing that kind of shirt. Maybe given by fans during his concert in Peru? ^^ I'm not sure though. ^^
credits: http://ourkdream.blogspot.kr/2014/09/photo140929.html
credits: http://ourkdream.blogspot.kr/2014/09/photo140929.html
HD Photos of Kim Kyu Jong with Heo Young Saeng at 'Romantic Brunch with Kyu' Fanmeeting 09.27.14
This! This is the moment I really love! KyuSaeng moments! ♥ It gave a huge surprise to fans seeing Young Saeng at Kyu Jong's fanmeeting knowing that he is still enlisted as a police officer. ^^ Without his uniform on, he looks like an idol once again. ♥ Their brotherly love for each other really makes us happy. 규생!! ^^ 보고싶어 김규종! 보고싶어 허영생!
credits: http://carpediem501.com/
credits: http://carpediem501.com/
Heo Young Saeng,
Kim Kyu Jong
HD Photos of Heo Young Saeng at Kim Kyu Jong's 'Romantic Brunch with Kyu' Fanmeeting 09.27.14
Why oh why have I forgotten that there might be a possibility that Young Saeng will be showing at Kyu's fanmeeting? It might have slipped my mind. >_< But seriously, I was extremely happy when I saw him supporting Kyu. And wished I can teleport to Korea that day so that at least I get to see them together in person. Sigh. Oh well, I guess everything happens for a reason. Someday, ... someday I'll try to be there. I love seeing Young SAeng's dimples! ♥ 멋진 허영생!! ♥
credits: http://carpediem501.com/
credits: http://carpediem501.com/
HD Photos of Kim Kyu Jong at his 'Romantic Brunch with Kyu' Fanmeeting 09.27.14
He's back! Our Triple S President is back!! ^^ After waiting for 2 long years, he's now back and this is his first fanmeeting after ending his military service last July 2014. ^^ New look from our Eternal Center. Blonde hair just like Leader's hair during 'Timing' promotion.^^ I missed him so much and I am really wanting to see him again in person. He really is the sweetest. ♥ I saw from Twitter that taking pictures and videos were strictly prohibited during the fanmeet. However, our kind-hearted and ever sweet Kyu even asked fans to take pictures and videos of him. ☻☻☻ He even posed to some cameras. That's how thoughtful he is. ^^ I bet more fans would fall for him. Who wouldn't? ^^ 사랑해요 김규종! ♥ Oh and by the way, I find it cute seeing him doing that 'Ssshhh' gesture again. ^^
credits: http://carpediem501.com/ + http://ourkdream.blogspot.kr/
credits: http://carpediem501.com/ + http://ourkdream.blogspot.kr/
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